OverviewThis article will assist the organization in determining whether the BrainStorm migration tool meets its needs. The organization should evaluate the criteria presented in this article before using the Migration Tool.  


Determining how to use the Migration Tool:

1. The Migration Tool is recommended to initiate a BrainStorm account, even if none of the migration options are utilized. Refer to the options below to determine which selections will be made for your organization.  

Option:Reason to Utilize:
Videos & PDFs
  • This will migrate any existing custom Videos and PDFs from QuickHelp and is recommended if any custom content in QuickHelp will be utilized. 
  • This will only be beneficial if you select “Users & Roles” as well.
  • This will migrate all Groups. Select if you have custom groups that cannot be recreated.
Users and Roles
  • Select when Microsoft Graph or Google Graph will not be utilized to update your users.  This will pull all users (even unlicensed users) from QuickHelp.
  • Do not select if you plan to update users with one of the Graph integrations. These integrations will allow you the most up-to-date list of users.
2. If you want to work with a clean slate (you aren't selecting any of the options), selecting Migrate Now will still create your account. The account will be created with essential information like Name, Logo, and Licensing. More details can be seen below.

Existing Account in the BrainStorm Platform:  

  • If your organization already has an existing BrainStorm account: 
    • DO NOT perform Technical Configuration until after the Migration Tool has been used.
    • Account names must be unique within the BrainStorm platform. It is recommended that the existing account be deleted before using the Migration Tool. If the organization determines that the existing account should be deleted, then it should be named differently from the account that will be migrated. 

Migration Tool Snapshot:

The Migration Tool provides a snapshot instance, meaning:  

  • Updates done in the QuickHelp platform after the Migration Tool has been used will not be migrated to the BrainStorm platform.  
  • If the organization decides to use both platforms in parallel, then changes to one platform will need to be manually made to the other platform. 

Reasons Not to Use the Migration Tool: 

  • A new account has already been built and prepared for users in the BrainStorm platform. 
  • Your organization is not ready for a snapshot instance migration or an initiative to launch BrainStorm soon.

DisclaimerThis section provides further details about what is transferred from QuickHelp to BrainStorm, depending on which options are selected with the Migration Tool.  

Basic Account Information Transferred with the Migration Tool:   

Active Accounts Only
Company Name
Company Logo
Account Alias
Primary Contact Information 
Pack License Count & Expiration Date
Content Add-On (If Admins can add Custom Content)

Additional Information that can be Transferred:  

Active Users

Active Users Data
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Date Created (This will be the day of migration)
Bypass Single Sign-On option

User Roles 

User RolesUser Roles from QuickHelp to the BrainStorm platform will migrate and be redefined to appropriate user types in the BrainStorm platform. Click here to learn more about user roles in the BrainStorm.


Manually Created Groups
These Groups will be copied, and all members will keep their Group status.
Auto-enrollment Groups
These Groups will not maintain their enrollment criteria, but members will keep their Group status. Admins cannot re-enable the enrollment criteria without creating a new Group.
Both Group types will migrate:
  • Title
  • Description
  • Owner
  • Visibility in End-User Portal
  • Access (Approval needed to access the Group)

Custom Content

Custom Content
  • Video and PDF asset types
  • All content (published or not)
  • Content will be transferred into a DRAFT mode in the BrainStorm platform
What Custom Contents will transfer?  
  • Topic to Software Application
  • Category to Label
  • Title to Title
  • Description to Description
  • FileName to FileName
  • Video File to Video File
  • Image to Thumbnail 
  • Closed Captions to Closed Caption File